Grizedale Arts

Grizedale Arts is an art project/commissioning agency based in the Lake District in the UK. I have worked on a range of project with Grizedale Arts since 2008. The First project I collaborated on with Grizedale Arts was ‘CreamTVfileds’ this was a two day pop up online TV station/graffiti art mash up at the Creamfields dance festival. Since this project I have worked with Grizedale Arts on the development of ‘The John Ruskin Memorial Blog’ and on a range of projects that are based around use value, useful art, Mechaics Institutes and the legacy of John Ruskin. Most recently I am collaborating with Grizedale Art and Tate Liverpool on the installation of an ‘Office of Useful Art’ as part of Tate Liverpool’s ‘Art Turning Left: How Values Changed Making 1789-2013’ exhibition which will open in November 2013. The Office of Useful Art at Tate Liverpool will serve as the ‘classroom’ for the exhibition, but more importantly as a working office to develop the Asociación de Arte Útil (initiated by Tania Bruguera) and to demonstrate case studies from the Museum of Arte Útil (running in parallel to the Museum of Arte Útil at the Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven).

Adam Sutherland, Director of Grizedale Arts, wearing a John Ruskin head and wielding a ‘Fors Clavigera’ baton

Adam Sutherland, Director of Grizedale Arts, wearing a John Ruskin head and wielding a ‘Fors Clavigera’ baton

I have written several articles about Grizedale Arts. Most recently, I have written an essay commissioned by Grizedale Arts and the Arts Council of Great Britain which outlines the relationship between Grizedale Arts, Use Value and the New Mechanics project. As soon as this goes online I will post the link.